Presumably, you all got to this point by following the address in the email and are logging on for the first time. Halle is with me and we're looking forward to hearing from members of the family.
That's what got us busy making this blog. We're wondering where lots of our cousins are these days and looking forward to hearing from each of you.
I know we're a very competitive family. So don't be afraid to brag about your latest accomplishments and tell us about all of your children who are not presently in jail.
Halle and I are here in Bermuda, she on a visit. This has been my hom
e since 1974. I left Washington DC after many years, still a young man and moved to Bermuda, first part time and then I realized that this had become my home. I've been very involved in the community (as Sherwins always are.) and have settled in here as my permanent home. I still have a house in Georgetown, it's rented out, just waiting out for me to come back some day, but I don't expect that I ever will. When I do visit Washington and drive by the house, I can hear it calling for me, but I keep right on driving and grab the first plane back home to Bermuda and my dog, a German Sheppard, named Rainbow.
For me, happiness is living in Bermuda.
A big hug to each and every Sherwin-Halle, from Dennis.