(Scroll from bottom up to read correspondence between Dennis Sherwin & Sam Halle)
From Dennis Sherwin:
Many thanks for the early correspondence between Walter and Katy. Having lived in Washington a few streets away from Katy, I can tell you that that correspondence continued throughout their lives. Katy used to lecture her younger brother through those many letters. She would find out everything Walter was doing (not always meeting Katy's approval) and would as the older sister, come down hard on Walter in righteous and sanctimonious lectures. Walter's replied were light hearted and loving. I would love to have those letters -- so many were read to me in righteous tones! Katy got a few scolding letters too. I suspect the whereabouts of this delightful lifelong correspondence rests with George Crile in heaven. When we're all there together we can revel in hearing these stories recounted.
By the way, Katy traveled in India when few others did.............
My very best to you. Keep care of your health in India. My trip to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) resulted in a year of poor health!
From Sam Halle:
Prior to my recent travel to Bombay India, I happened to come across a letter written by Pops to Kay Halle dated 16-November-1927 from Bombay, India. The letter literally dropped out of one of Pops’ books that I was beginning to read prior to my travel, namely ‘Lee’s Lieutenants’ by Douglas Southall Freeman. It is a wonderful snapshot in time from brother to sister during Pops’ round the world travels, I assume post Princeton graduation.
Samuel H. Halle, II