This is Maude Doolitte (Doody), a school teacher in Brookline, MA who taught some of the Kennedys. Jack Kennedy wrote her a letter when he became a Senator thanking her for guiding him in his early years. She spent summers at Halle Farm teaching the Halles about nature-- there's our love for the birds, ferns, mushrooms and all the other delights of the ravine at Halle Farm. The farm today is Lake Metro Park Penitentiary Glen and exhibits the cultural history of our family. I could tell you lots more!
Here is my mom, Margaret Halle Shewin cooling out in out Russian Pine Georgian pannel library -- the scene of several generations of shanagans, misbehavior, romancing (Kate and Toby -- now 50'the wedding anniversary), and major partying, among many other things. Oh the things I could telll you!
This is Bobby McIntosh (Greg's mom)and Bernie Towell. Bobby left Cleveland to create one of the great horse breeding farms in horse country, Warenton,VA ,Jackie Kennedy' territory. She later moved the whole thing, lock stock and barrel, to Florida. Her horse van had a tack room in it. Bernie and Eleanor created Tim Towell (now Ambassador), my pal Gary (who invented his own language ("I want to marry a girl with a crunchy driveway" -- meaning a mansion with a pebbly driveway and a trust fund). I never really new Cynthia, but I knew she was beautiful.
Here are just a few of what I have on my computer all set to post. Do you want to see more? And I might tell a story or two. These folks had fun and lived wonderful lives! I'll just brush on the scandals and misdeeds...........
post: Dennis Sherwin