This is the after photo of the South Farm Stables because the big maple was removed after a July storm. Brian has the before picture, an aerial view probably taken by Frannie before WWII. We'll try to get that latter.
First row: Ann Crile holding George Crile, Kate Halle, Joan Crile, Susam Crile, Sam Little, Reeve Little; second row: Dennis Sherwin, Helen Halle; Third row: Sam Halle, Peter Sherwin, Brian Sherwin, Chisholm Halle, Blanch Gangi) Halle
Gangi and Sam Halle
Halle Brothers
John & Frannie Sherwin
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Blanche Murphy Halle
Halle Farm
Blanche Murphy Halle & Katherine Murphy Halle
Mother and Daughter
Katy Next To Frannie's Twin Beach
Peter Flying His Waco SRE, Just Like His Dad's In The Late '30's
...Be Open, Frank, Above All, HONEST. Decide On The Simple Law Of Right Or Wrong...Then You Can't Go Wrong.
-Sam Halle-
Sherwin-Halle Wedding From Time/CNN
Eloped. Margaret, socialite daughter of President Samuel H. Halle of Halle Bros., Cleveland departmet store; and Francis M. Sherwin, young Yale graduate, son of Banker John Sherwin of Cleveland. Without telling their parents, they went to Grace Church, Cleveland, were married.