Sunday, July 6, 2008

Hollander & Gusty Halle in Martha's Vineyard

Welcome to Laura Sherwin Maker

Here's a note from a Sherwin reconnecting. I will encourage her to connect with her family in the Sherwin-Halle Blog. So this for now:

Caroline Sherwin Zaegel


Singing Diana Ross for Dads Birthday!

Sea Island

Turks and Caicos Jan 4, 2008 Carolines BIG 40

Sea Island GA

HI All

Great Idea Dennis and Halle

Here are a few photos of my Family!
Fritz (41), Frederick (11), Layne (8) and Peter (5)

Hope you all are well!!!

When is the next reunion?????

Caroline (22)

Uploading photos -- try this and see it it works for you.

Here is Dennis' dog "Rainbow. I added it using the directions on Blogger.
(1) Go to the photo icon (third right in the edit bar on the blog). Click it.
(2) Follow the easy directions you will see.
(3) It will ask you where your photo is. (eg: in the file where you keep photos; I put the photo on the desk top or in a special file I make) All possible places where it might be are listed. Choose that place (file folder, etc.) and then select the photo or several photos.)
(4) Continue with the easy directions.
(5) You will see a moving icon loading the picture. Patience needed as it takes half a minute. Then it tells you the photo is loaded!
(6) Presto! You are ready to go!

Hi all.

Great idea and love the sense of family. It reminds me of Pops, Aunt Katy, Aunt Mag, Aunt Jane and Aunty Ann talking on the phone once a week together.

I am in Southwest Harbor Maine for the summer and excited to see Pam and Tyler in a couple of weeks. Ashley and her family are here for the summer as well with Walter and family along with Marion and her clan arriving at some point hopefully for a brief visit. Our ten grandchildren doing many summer sports so very busy.

Will try and get a photo of my 70th celebration at the Four Seasons...XXXOOO to all

Kate Halle Briggs

Thank You Uncle Dennis...

...For the glorious time with you as always!

I look so forward to seeing you Aug. 14th!! Maybe we'll get dad to come out soon too!

I love you, I thank you and I'll call you when I land in LA...

Bermuda Cedar Trees

Dennis' Back Yard

Dennis' Beach

Someone's House